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SHRM Hosted Website Password Requirements

    Password Requirements

    Minimum Length: 8 characters

    Maximum Length: 64 characters

    Complexity - Contains at least 3 of the following 4 requirements:

    • upper case letter (“A-Z”)
    • lower case letter ("a-z")
    • base 10 digit (0 through 9)
    • nonalphanumeric character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)

    *Note:  Password must not contain username

    Password History = 3: When setting your password, you cannot use any of your 3 previous passwords. 

    Minimum Password Age = 2 days:  If you change your password and decide you would like to make a change again, you will have to wait 2 days before doing so.

    Maximum Password Age = Yearly:  You will be required to reset your password at least yearly.

    Account Lockout: You will be automatically locked out after 10 invalid login attempts.

    Account Lockout Duration = 30 minutes:  If when attempting to login you lock yourself out, you will have to wait 30 minutes before trying again.

    Auto Logout:  After 30 minutes of inactivity, you will be automatically logged out.

    Session Limit:  This will limit your login to one device at a time.  Meaning, if you login on your laptop and do not logout, and then login on your mobile device, you will automatically be logged out on your laptop.