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FAQs for SHRM Affiliate Website Program Participants

    How do I get help and guidance from SHRM

    If you have program or software questions, need guidance or have a technical support need, please submit a Support Request, which is required, as outlined in the Training and Support Guidelines.  

    Submitting the request will generate a Support Ticket for the Service Desk and allows SHRM the ability to track the type and number of questions and/or issues as well as the assistance provided.  

    You can find a link to the Support Request forms in your Training Center under Resources but we recommend that you bookmark the Support Request Forms page for easy access.

    Is there a way to gather Website Statistics for our hosted site?

    Yes.  We use Google Analytics for our hosted affiliates and this is set-up on your website when created by SHRM.

    In order for a hosted affiliate to access their Google Analytics information, a chapter or council would have to first set-up a Google account and provide SHRM with the email address used. SHRM then sets up access to the information through that email address.

    It is recommended that you use an email address that will stay with your chapter and not a personal email address. This will make the account access within your chapter easy to transfer since you will be creating the login information.

    If you are interested in having access to the statistics for your website, please do the following:

    SHRM will set-up your chapter/council access based on the email address you provided and then send you login instruction.

    How do I know what is happening with the program and/or software?

    There are different ways that SHRM communicates with website administrators to keep you updated with program announcements:

    Emails from SHRM: When SHRM needs to send out important information such as software upgrades, down-time, etc., we will send a direct email.  In order to send the email we generate a report of everyone in your website database with the Role of Administrator. So, please make sure that the email address in your chapter/council website is accurate. 

    News:  We have a News area within the Help Desk that we post news articles and announcements.  You can find it by visiting the Help Desk and the link is located in the left-hand side menu or by clicking here.

    Is there a Community Feature?

    Yes, we have a community feature that allows you to network with other administrators to discuss the software, how they are using it and what they have found to be best practices. You can find a link to the group in your website Training Center under the Resources heading and if you are a SHRM member, you can join:

    Can we create a secure space on the site to store board information?

    The software does have the ability for you to create content on your site and mark it Board Member Only. This would allow you to post your minutes, financials and other board documents and only the people in your database that have the Role of Board Member will be able to see this content after logging in. To accomplish this, you would need to mark the Board Members in your database with the Role of Board Member and any content you would select the Publishing Options of Published and Only allow board members to view as shown below:

    You can learn more by reading the article titled Creating New Web Pages found in your website Training Center under the sub-heading of Creating & Editing Web Pages.

    Copying and pasting images does not format correctly

    The software is not set-up for you to copy and paste images.

    All images must be uploaded to the server and then you can use the Image link within the toolbar to insert the image into the content. You can learn more by reading the article titled Adding Images, Creating Text Based Links and Using the HTML Editor and the Graphics & Images Guide found in the Training Center under the Creating & Editing Web Pages sub-heading. Copying and pasting content does not format correctly.

    When copying and pasting content from another source you should use the Paste as Word or the Paste as Plain Text links in the toolbar. If you just copy and paste into the content area, you are also pasting the formatting code used from the original source, such as Word, and this can cause problems. The software cannot always read the other formatting code from these other sources, so it does not know how to properly format the text. There are two ways to copy/past content from other sources:

    Paste as Word: There is a link in the toolbar that you should use as shown below. After you copy your text, click this link and past the text into the box that pops up.

    Paste as Plain Text: There is a link in the tool you should use for all other sources as shown below. After you copy your text, click this link and past the text into the box that pops:

    How do we post videos?

    The SHRM Hosted Website software does not support video files, but you can still include videos.

    In order to accomplish this, your video file would have to be hosted externally through a third-party source (like YouTube) and then you would use the Embed Code they provide.

    Once you have the Embed Code, you can find the instruction for adding this code to your website in the Training Center by reading the How to Upload Videos found under the sub-heading of Creating & Editing Web Pages.

    Can we post local jobs on our site?

    Yes.  You can post local jobs on your site within the page content area and you have the right to charge a fee if you choose.

    Can we allow local companies/sponsors to advertise on our site?

    Yes.  You can post ads on your site within the page content area and you have the right to charge a fee if you choose.

    Does SHRM offer an email account through the program?

    No.  An email account/s is not provided with the program.  You can use any email service you choose.  A lot of our hosted affiliates use a free service such as Google, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.

    Can we add payment functionality to our site?

    Although SHRM does not offer this option you can add this type of functionality to your site.  Most affiliates use PayPal, however, you can contract with any third party vendor you wish as long as they can offer you one of the following options:

    • Code that can be added to a page on your site that will display “Buy Now” or “Payment Option” buttons.  When a user pushes one of these buttons, they would be directed to your vendor’s site where they can enter their credit card information and their payment will be processed based on your set-up with the vendor.
    • A link that will direct the user to your vendor’s site where they can enter their credit card information and their payment will be processed based on your set-up with the vendor.

    For more information, please read the document titled Adding Payment Options found in your Training Center under the sub-heading of Creating  & Editing Web Pages.