Emails from SHRM
When we need to communicate important updates, such as software upgrades or downtime, we will send a direct email. To ensure these emails reach the right people, we generate a report of all Administrators from your website database. Therefore, please ensure that the email address listed on your chapter/council website is accurate.
Password Policy & Requirements
Creating a strong password and changing it on a regular basis is the first defense in protecting your online user account. This may sound like common sense, but hackers have become increasingly sophisticated at password “cracking.” Hackers are constantly searching to find the weakest link possible to give them access to a network or computer and often that weak link is a weak password.
FAQs for SHRM Affiliate Website Program Participants
To review a list of FAQs please click on the "Read More" link below.
If you do not find what you are looking for, please submit your question using the Support Request form and we will answer your question directly and add it to the list.
Image Resizing Tools
The easiest way to resize images is to download one of the many free programs that will resize images for you. There are dozens of free image resizing programs available online, which will let you resize images to any dimensions you specify, and will save the images at the smallest possible file size. Many of these programs will even "batch resize" images, meaning it will resize many images at once. You can place all the images you want to resize in a single folder, then tell the program to resize all images in that folder.
Volunteer Leader Resource Center (VLRC)
Find information on chapter and state council operations, discover ways to effectively lead and manage volunteers, locate toolkits, resources, and best practices for chapters and state councils as well as find contact information for your Field Service Directors and Member Engagement Associates.